Service provider
We partner with pharmaceutical and health product companies, pharmacies and hospitals. We are part of the PHOENIX community covering altogether 29 European countries, which enables us to help our Finnish partners who wish to enter the European market. We begin our cooperation with a needs assessment which helps us identify the needs of the company. Read more in the Services section.
Services as needed
Our service includes the distribution of products and, if necessary, the representation of products, in which case we are also responsible for sales and marketing.
We also offer tailored services to pharmacies and hospitals. Everything we do is based on our desire to develop the competitiveness of our partners.
Anticipating industry developments
We anticipate changes in the industry by keeping an eye on the developments of the health value chain. We help our partners understand the phenomena and future trends of the industry so that they can succeed in their market and anticipate the necessary moves.
An example of this is the dose dispensing service provided by our subsidiary Pharmac Finland. The service is available for consumers and home care companies through pharmacies.
Cooperative development
Once we have identified new business opportunities in the health value chain, we will develop new concepts and services together with our customers and partners.
An example of such co-development is the risk-based pricing model for hospitals: the Tamro LINK service was developed jointly with hospitals and pharmaceutical companies.
A major social actor
Finland's pharmaceutical distribution is closely monitored and subject to strict legislation. Finland uses a single channel system, which is rare on a global scale and emphasises the responsibility of the pharmaceutical distributor. We actively maintain relations with Finnish authorities so that together we can make Finnish pharmaceutical distribution the best in the world.
Security of supply ensures the necessary critical production, services and infrastructure in exceptional circumstances. We are among the organisations that are vital for the security of supply, as we deliver medicines to hospitals, pharmacies and public and private health care. As a part of critical infrastructure we need to ensure the availability of medicines in all circumstances.
The single channel pharmaceutical distribution system Finland has means that the representative responsible for the medicinal product or the holder of the marketing authorisation draws up a distribution agreement with only one operator. In the single channel model, the supply chain of the medicinal product is more easily manageable, as the medicinal product passes through only one operator. At the same time, the system emphasises the responsibility of the pharmaceutical distributor not to jeopardise the availability of medicines, even in exceptional circumstances.
The controlled and straightforward supply chain increases reliability and improves quality. The holder of the marketing authorisation will deliver the medicines directly to us, after which we are responsible for delivering the products to pharmacies, hospitals and retail outlets.
We are actively involved in the advocacy work of various industry groups. We advance changes that need to be made to the legislation and encourage debate on pharmaceutical manufacturing and the distribution chain within the industry.
To support decision making, we actively provide information, for example, to Finnish Medicines Agency Fimea and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.
We strive to help you succeed. Get in touch!